Brand engagement

The strength of Wadden Sea World Heritage branding lies in emphasising the Wadden Sea as a single, unified entity. The Wadden Sea World Heritage brand helps to build a global reputation, enhances our collective visibility, and encourages greater collaboration and investment. There is a lot we can do, both individually and together.

To enable Wadden Sea stakeholder engagement with the Wadden Sea World Heritage brand, the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation developed a brand guideline. Here, we present the brand philosophy, our mission, and audiences, as well as forms of engagement and contact points. The overview is designed to enhance accessibility to the brand and support the activities of partners and stakeholders. Those who interact with and communicate the brand will find valuable information here, thereby increasing the awareness of the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site and ensuring consistent and high-quality communications throughout the entire property.


What we do

Our promise to the world

The basic philosophy of the World Heritage Convention is to ‘recognise the way in which people interact with nature, and the fundamental need to preserve the balance between the two’.

In the Wadden Sea, we want our decisions and actions to demonstrate this mission. We believe that this can create long-term benefits for visitors, tourists, partners, stakeholders and the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site that connects us all.

We take responsibility for...

  • Our global heritage.
  • Quality at a global scale.

We act with sincerity in all we do to...

  • Protect the Wadden Sea for future generations.
  • Mainstream World Heritage protection within the public and private sectors.
  • Translate global responsibility into local action.

Through a unity of purpose we will...

  • Work together to achieve intelligent and sustainable use of the Wadden Sea region.
  • Continue working together in nature protection.
  • Share experiences, knowledge and ideas to foster greater communication, interaction and togetherness.
  • Take pride in offering an area of outstanding nature conservation.

We invite you to embrace this mission and use it to challenge your behaviour. Our mission is an important part of delivering the best possible Wadden Sea World Heritage experience.


Our audience

Who we want to reach

We focus on people and how they ‘experience’ the Wadden Sea World Heritage brand. We need to touch their hearts and minds with the spirit of our brand.

In pursuit of our mission, the Wadden Sea World Heritage works with numerous organisations in three countries (Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands). These organisations all operate independently within their own regions and have distinct audiences, but they’re all part of the Wadden Sea and share a common goal and dedication to propagate ‘the story of the Wadden Sea’.

Wadden Sea World Heritage’s goal is to hand these smaller organisations and companies the tools to reach their audiences and act as a motivator. Our stakeholders should feel that they’re part of a bigger plan.

The key audiences for our brand are:

  • People who live in the Wadden Sea Region – Residents
  • People who run businesses in the Wadden Sea Region – Business owners
  • People who work in the Wadden Sea Region – Workers
  • People who visit the Wadden Sea Region – Visitors
  • People who have leadership roles in the communities and in organisations – Partners
  • People who work in conservation and maintenance of the World Heritage – Custodians

It is important that these audiences identify with the values of the Wadden Sea World Heritage brand. They are the ones to share our brand values with future generations:

  • To raise awareness for the conservation and maintenance of the World Heritage status.
  • To clearly identify with the Wadden Sea World Heritage Property.
  • To communicate our brand values.
  • To continually improve wider public perception of who we are and what we do.
  • To provide a strong, visually coordinated approach.


You and us

Get together

We invite you to share our mission. Together we can learn about the challenges and opportunities facing the Wadden Sea World Heritage, teach others about them and make a difference. Whether you are a small or medium-sized enterprise, local authority, National Park, nature organisation, or an individual: let's team up!

There is a lot we can do, both individually and together. If you are interested in engaging with the Wadden Sea World Heritage, this website provides the tools to bring the Wadden Sea World Heritage story to your own audiences.


Focal Points Stakeholder Engagement

If you need further information on opportunities to engage with the Wadden Sea World Heritage brand, you can contact our local focal points directly.



Sjon de Haan
Coördinator Waddenzee Werelderfgoed
Huis voor de Wadden
Ruiterskwartier 121 A
8911 BS Leeuwarden
Tel: +31 619 712 309



Anne Husum Marboe
Nationalpark Vadehavet – The Wadden Sea National Park
Havnebyvej 30
6792 Rømø – Denmark
Office: +45 72 54 36 51
Tel: +45 20 92 35 23


Germany: Hamburg

Janne Lieven
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Behörde für Umwelt, Klima, Energie und Agrarwirtschaft (BUKEA)
Neuenfelder Straße 19
D-21109 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 428 40 2457


Germany: Schleswig-Holstein

Martin Rimmler
Landesbetrieb für Küstenschutz, Nationalpark und Meeresschutz Schleswig-Holstein (LKN)
Schlossgarten 1
D-25832 Tönning
Tel: + 49 4861 616 35


Germany: Lower Saxony

Astrid Martin
Nationalparkverwaltung „Niedersächsisches Wattenmeer“
Virchowstr. 1
D - 26382 Wilhelmshaven
Tel: + 49 4421 911 294



Anja Domnick
Common Wadden Sea Secretariat
Virchowstr. 1, D-26382 Wilhelmshaven
Tel: +49 4421 9108 24


Brand Content

Ready to use

Our mission is to collaboratively conserve and develop the Wadden Sea destination in a sustainable way. To support the activities of all those who interact with and communicate about the Wadden Sea World Heritage brand, we have produced ready-to-use content for web and media platforms. Our aim is to ensure that everyone is fully supported to share Wadden Sea World Heritage content in a way that is both consistent across the whole property and relevant to individual needs, and that they know where to go for help and advice.

Our content library offers royalty-free content that anyone producing materials containing information about the Wadden Sea World Heritage can use. Those include photos and videos, texts, and marketing assets. Together we can show the world that the Wadden Sea area is worth experiencing and in need of our protection.


The brand guidance and content pool were developed in the framework of the Interreg project “PROWAD Link – Protect & Prosper”. The 2018-2022 project aimed to unlock the potential of natural areas as a driver for jobs and sustainable development. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) were approached to develop nature as a brand to create benefits for both, SMEs and the environment. 14 project partners in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom, led by the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, working with interested SMEs used the “nature-business-benefit-cycle” concept to develop new, sustainable products and offers in the pilot regions of the Wadden Sea (DK, D, NL), Geiranger Fjord (NO), Wash & North Norfolk Coast (UK). The project was co-funded by and carried out in the framework of the Interreg North Sea Region Programme under the Programme Priority 1 “Thinking Growth”. The programme is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union.